Chatsworth Homes For Sale
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Chatsworth is about 15.24 square miles in the San Fernando Valley. Surrounded by Northridge, Granada Hills, Porter Ranch and Canoga Park Chatsworth is home to the Chatsworth Nature Preserve
The median home value in Chatsworth is $618,900. Chatsworth home values have gone up almost 9% over the past year and it is predicted they will rise 1.26% in the coming year.
Thinking of buying a home in Chatsworth? Start your home search here. Our MLS search tool is the most accurate and fastest search portal on the web. If it is listed you will find it here. Thinking of selling your Chatsworth home? You are in the right place. Our FREE CMA tool will give you a very good idea of what your home is worth on the current market. Chocked full of up to date comps, graphs and market trend information it is clear and easy to read. The best part is that it is delivered directly to your inbox.
Chatsworth Real Estate
If you are looking for a REALTOR® in Chatsworth, Call Heather Farquhar! As your Realtor Heather can assist you with all of your Real estate needs. CONTACT US TODAY