Buying Versus Renting A Home

Is Fear Holding You Back?

A recent telephone survey of 1,005 U.S. adults found that 54 percent of people who said they’d like to buy a home hadn’t pursued their goal because they were afraid they wouldn’t be able to get a mortgage. Fear of rejection and being intimidated by the process are two of the biggest issues holding people back.

The best way to overcome fear is to face it head on, in this case having a Realtor who’s encouraging and can make a referral to a loan officer who’s a good educator. The process isn’t really very difficult if you are working with the right people. Talk to your Realtor and see who she would recommend to help you with the pre-approval process. I know a couple of great lenders that are great at helping buyers understand the process. If in fact you can’t qualify right now we can help you get your ducks in a row so you can become a homeowner in the near future.


Buying Versus Renting a home in the San Fernando ValleyThere are “reasons” to buy, and “reasons” to rent.

People want to make choices based upon reason. So, if you start reading about whether to buy versus rent a home, you’ll certainly be given “reasons”, like:

  • When renting you’re just paying someone else’s mortgage.
  • You’re throwing your money away when you rent. You have nothing to show for it. If you buy, you’re building equity.
  • Many of the richest people built their wealth through real estate.
  • Real estate is a great long-term investment. Values always go up in the long-term.

Certainly all valid to some degree.

But if you start reading articles about buying versus renting, you’ll be given opposing “reasons”, like:

  • When you rent, you aren’t tied down to an area. You have freedom.
  • You aren’t responsible for the upkeep and maintenance when things break.
  • Real estate values are not guaranteed to always go up.
  • Your house could be less than you bought it for at times.

Again, all valid “reasons” to some degree.

Regardless of whether the article is pro-buying or pro-renting, the “reasons” cited tend to be the same, decade after decade, regardless of the market. They are overused, and pretty useless to anyone in particular.

There is no absolute answer that is right for everyone.

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It shouldn’t be a DIY diagnosis

You can find plenty of “sources” to formulate your opinion on what makes sense for you.

There are online calculators to help you figure out if renting or buying makes more sense for you.

But that’s kind of like looking up health information online…

It’s good to get some thoughts and perspective. Educate yourself. But it’s not necessarily proper for you to diagnose and treat yourself.

Same when it comes to financial and real estate decisions.

Certainly educate yourself. Become informed. But truly assessing whether or not it makes more sense for you to buy a home or rent a house warrants getting some professional help.

Professional help can cost less than self-help. (At least in real estate…)

While you can certainly sift through all the information you want for free, and come to your own conclusion, you can also get the advice of someone who is a real estate expert for free.

All you have to do is reach out to a real estate agent. A good real estate agent will help you figure out if buying or renting makes better sense for you. They’ll help you assess your situation lend you their thoughts and insight based upon their knowledge and experience.

And most of them will do this for free. They get paid if and when you end up buying or renting a place.

Now, certainly, you might question their motives…

Will they push you to buy versus rent to make more money? Will they push you to rent because it’s quicker, easier money? Why would they help me for free? There’s got to be a catch…

Sure, there are some agents who are in it just to make money. But most real estate agents are more caring and concerned about their clients’ best interests, than their own self-interest.
That doesn’t mean every real estate agent will necessarily be able to give you the best advice, even if they are caring, concerned, and not pushy.

So, make sure you find a great agent when you ask for an agent’s advice.

(If they’re all offering their advice for free, you might as well choose the best, right?)

Who’s the best agent to talk to when considering Buying Versus Renting ?

Considering this is my article, of course it makes sense that I feel like I’m the best agent for you to talk to.

The best way to find out is for us to have a quick chat. Maybe I’m the best agent for you to talk to… Maybe not. But if I’m not, I probably know another agent who may suit your situation better.

So why not give me a call, or send me an email, and let’s schedule a time to talk. No obligation.

I never push people to do one thing over another. If buying makes more sense for you, we’ll figure that out. If renting does, we’ll figure that out.

I just want to make sure you’re able to make the best and most objective decision possible.